
What is an API?

That technology has changed our lives, everyone is well aware of. Nothing today is like it was 10 years ago. However, few people wonder how these changes happened so quickly. Well, let's introduce you to one of the technologies behind the current transformation that revolutionized communication between different applications: the APIs.

What is an API?

API is an acronym that means Application Programming Interface.

The API acts as a "glue", a bridge that connects two or more types of software, through the union of instructions and programming patterns that form an intelligent interface, capable of establishing this interaction.

A practical example to understand the ease and presence of APIs in various spheres of everyday life is biometrics.

Have you ever wondered about how a biometric system identifies that you are yourself?

Especially in systems that have a large number of identities registered — such as government bases. In these cases, APIs allow quick results from their integration. Learn how:

At the moment a biometric is searched and placed on 1:N identification, the API establishes a connection between the device that collects biometric identification and the database that stores the records.

From there, 1:1 verification is performed to prove the belonging of biometrics, concluding the identification.

All this is done in a few seconds and without the need to have its own storage, in other words, there is savings of time and cost, thanks to the interaction between the software.

Are the APIs secure?

To access classified and sensitive data such as collected biometrics, a high level of security is required, and security is one of the APIs strengths.

APIs use identification keys to discriminate and map data access permissions, identifying where and who issued the access request.

Known to be highly customizable, APIs also vary in security levels, some being more secure than others, depending on the granted accesses.

For this, there are types of APIs, in which the main ones are:

  • Public API: Also known as open APIs, this type generally has a low security measure, that is, sharing your data is deliberate to anyone who wants to access it, and its implementation is also made easier for developers.
  • Private API: This type of API features a higher level of security seen in its restrictions and traceability, which allocate permissions for internal use only.
  • Composite API: Are the combination of multiple APIs, used, for example, when you need to capture information from multiple services to achieve an end goal.

APIs can also be developed internally to be marketed externally with other partners, through official authorizations and licenses. These are the partner APIs.

API for business

A survey commissioned by Axway consulted more than 300 IT and business decision makers to understand the problem of development and effective consumption of APIs. 

Before that, it was important to measure what the APIs were used for. It was found out that almost all the companies interviewed use APIs to improve the customer experience (97%), ensure security (96%) or migrate to the cloud (86%), proving the extensive use of APIs to improve digital services.

Already developed APIs packages can be marketed between companies, establishing a link between client and server interfaces.

BioPass ID offers a set of APIs for any purpose that needs biometrics, with high scalability, fit for any device and according to international standards. Meet them!

Multibiometrics API

The Multibiometrics API package brings together the main biometric identification features at any time, for any device and scale.

It is multi because it supports more than one biometric mode, including facial and fingerprint recognition, adding greater security with applications, for example, with multi-factor authentication.

Learn about multifactor authentication with multibiometrics.

Through API calls, a multibiometric cloud database is also provided with intelligence for constant addition, update and verification of the data entered there.

Quality API

Through the qualification of the biometric data registered, this package is directed to achieve good results with reduced costs per biometric capture.

Following the FBI's NFIQ quality standard, identification and verification are optimized, delivering better results in less time.

Understand how to increase the security of your onboarding with Biometric Qualification.

In accordance with ICAO (ISO 19794-5), the package checks for possible noise in biometric identification and can detect fraud attempts, preventing one person from pretending to be another.

In addition, updates to these packages are constantly developed. 

This is one of the biggest benefits of being with a company that invests in research: making sure you always have the latest technology.

Experience the potential of biometric API packets. Visit our Demos page and enjoy!

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