
Solution for road safety: learn more about In Car Analytics

The use of technologies for driver monitoring has proven to be an effective solution in the discussion on how to improve mobility and road safety. With traffic challenges in mind, the In Car Analytics package, through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), provides important services for sectors that rely on transportation infrastructure.

Let's take a look!

What is In Car Analytics and how is it applied?

In Car Analytics offers functions to detect, count, and analyze the behavior of people inside a vehicle. Some of the available features include driver compliance verification, designed to ensure that the driver is wearing a seatbelt, and helmet detection, applied to verify compliance with equipment regulations in accordance with current traffic laws.

And how is this technology applied?

In Car Analytics for driving schools 

In driving schools, In Car Analytics helps verify driver compliance in four-wheel vehicles and detects helmet use on motorcycles. This technology ensures that lessons adhere to current legislation.

In Car Analytics for other companies

In transport companies, In Car Analytics APIs play a role in fraud prevention and irregularity detection. For insurance companies, the package can be used for monitoring and assessing driver behavior.

Learn more:

Transport Companies and fleets:

  • Safety monitoring: helmet detection ensures that motorcyclists comply with the law before starting a trip.
  • Compliance verification: in-vehicle compliance checks confirm that drivers are using seat belts.

Insurance companies

  • Risk assessment: insurers can use In Car Analytics to monitor driver behavior and adherence to safety regulations in real-time.
  • Fraud prevention: by tracking helmet use and other safety measures, it is possible to detect fraud attempts in claims for covered benefits.

In Car Analytics in driver training

In Car Analytics assists in the processes of obtaining a first driver’s license. The technology features an easy-to-integrate interface and can be implemented in driving schools and exams associated with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The APIs are frequently updated to enhance the algorithm.

Check out the success story below.

SuperPrático success story

In Car Analytics is used in SuperPrático, a platform for certifying processes for drivers. Through this technology, driving schools monitor and assess the learning progress of future drivers.

The package allows for a detailed analysis of student performance during practical lessons. Reports enable the identification of areas for improvement and provide accurate, targeted feedback. This enhances the quality of driver training and raises the safety level on the roads. The integration of In Car Analytics with SuperPrático ensures compliance with legal standards and contributes to safer traffic. Below is an example of an irregularity being captured:

Future of mobility

The use of In Car Analytics in professional environments and driver training demonstrates the technology's potential in promoting safe and efficient traffic. The ability to monitor and assess driver behavior in real-time can reduce violations, prevent accidents, and ensure compliance with safety regulations at all times.

The API package reduces operational costs, minimizes fraud risks, and increases transparency in the driver certification process. Additionally, the solution helps businesses and authorities make data-driven decisions. For a free demonstration, contact one of our experts. It is also possible to register directly here.

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