
Using Facial Recognition in Videoconferences

With the arrival of the pandemic, the world scenario has changed significantly making companies move to the home office and using online mechanisms to hold meetings. Thereby, videoconferences came into play, with an estimated 500% in the adoption of this tool.

Whether by Google Meet, Zoom, or Teams, video conferencing was of great importance in this period to be able to meet internal and external demands ranging from delivering reports, resolution of processes, to customer service itself.

According to CNN, the exponential increase in Google Meet video conferencing reached as far as 60% per day, 25 times higher than in January 2021, while Microsoft Teams reached 44 million daily users in March of the same year.

What about video conferencing security?

Performing work without physical contact does not eliminate possible intrusions and misuse of users, thus one question arises: is it possible to create a barrier and protect digital data from cybercrime?

This is possible as long as this service is tied to security mechanisms, since criminals are finding increasingly intelligent invasion alternatives, making the business environment increasingly susceptible to attacks.

Besides that, it should be mentioned that the use of videoconferences is not only limited to companies, but also to educational institutions that use this tool to give access to students from universities and schools in the modality of distance education.

Additionally, its use extended to the final stages of the process, including graduations and other events that also started being held online.

The old-fashioned password templates are falling behind

Most people have forgotten a password during their lifetime and have even used some unreliable resource to store them, becoming susceptible to cybercrimes of data intrusion.

With videoconferencing is no different, after all, it is often necessary to put an alphanumeric password to log in, and also by the fact that many transmissions are not performed in secure environments.

In other words, it is possible to generate a significant data leak during the connection, bringing significant losses to the business.

Solving the problem with biometric security and face recognition

To end the vulnerability of video conferencing, the option to adopt more modern and secure technologies through biometrics to validate people's access to enhance their authenticity of users came to be chosen by many companies.

The aim is to ensure that the registered person is actually watching that particular call and with the growth of these modern opportunities, its implementation began to be made.

Whether by the technology of identifying via image of the user's face or by the fingerprint identifier of the fingers themselves, both can keep faces and information confidential and exclusive.

The cost of not having a face recognition security in a company

It can literally be more expensive the absence of good technologies ensuring the safety of a company. The value of privacy and data protection is immense because it contains sensitive business information.

Certainly, the leakage of these internal contents can bring to the business a lot of stress and even great losses. This also includes what is in videoconferences and important meetings, where transactions and strategic alignments are discussed.

Therefore, it is possible to say that through biometric security the cost-benefit is favored, since each validation transaction by biometrics costs only cents, in addition to forming a barrier securing the company.

Possibilities with face recognition and biometric security

As already mentioned, videoconferences can be used in various types of meetings and events such as virtual business meetings and even academic events. Also in this sphere, we can point out the use of biometric security in auto schools, for example, in the practice of online classes, used to validate the legitimate participation of the student.

BioPass ID comes out ahead

BioPass ID offers very interesting features with two API and SDK packages to develop applications such as in this theme of validated classes of auto school or videoconferences, for example.

In order to meet the needs of the market, which has changed abruptly with the pandemic, it is already possible to carry out, through its cutting-edge quality, projects that need authentication during the process.

With digital or face-to-face onboarding, there is the possibility of certification and security, with quick and immediate implementations.

Complementing famous software

Whether through Teams, DropBox or Google Drive, BioPass ID can also integrate validation solutions into these software to be united with the corporate and school world, adding one more identification factor.

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