Medication control in hospitals is a delicate and complex activity that can impact both the institution and its patients. Not only is it susceptible to human error, but managers must also be aware of attempts to steal, counterfeit, and defraud medicines. To address this type of situation, it is necessary to implement a management process that allows you to control the entry and exit of pharmaceuticals and track previous movements.
In this article, you will learn how biometrics can be a key point in the security and traceability of medicines in hospitals. We'll understand how biometric validation can be integrated into the hospital management process and highlight the practical applications and benefits of the technology. We'll also show you how BioPass ID solutions can reduce fraud and streamline daily operations.
Shall we go?
How to efficiently manage medicines in hospitals?
The complexity of medication management presents a number of challenges, one of the most concerning being the prevention of fraud. Fraud can occur at various stages of internal processes, from substitution and re-routing of medications to manipulation of records.
Another factor is security. Paper-based systems are vulnerable to human error and unauthorized access. These challenges can be reduced by automating processes in conjunction with a traceability system and staff training.
To ensure the accuracy and security of the hospital, it is necessary to implement efficient management with little human intervention. You could consider a system with biometric authentication and information tracking to ensure access control to medications and monitor the lifecycle of medications from receipt to administration to the patient.
Staff training is also essential to ensure proper use of the technology and quality of medication management. Training is essential to ensure that tracking and scanning processes are performed correctly.
What are the benefits of biometrics in medication monitoring?
Unlike a password or access card, a person's biometric information cannot be acquired or stolen. In the context of hospital medication management, biometric authentication provides an additional layer of security and accuracy for restricting access to medications at all stages of the process, whether it's purchasing them or administering them to a patient. In addition, biometrics can be used to track and record all actions related to the handling of medicines, improving the traceability of the process.
Effective data control reduces costs, eliminates waste and improves the efficiency of the drug procurement and dispensing process. BioPass ID offers a range of products that allow the biometric authentication process to be implemented easily and quickly with any system that has Internet access.
Discover the benefits of this technology:
- Easy Capture: the Face Capture and Fingerprint Capture SDKs. The tool enables biometric capture on smartphones, making the authentication process more accessible and eliminating the need for equipment such as sensors and cameras.
- Ease of implementation: biometric APIs are simple and easy to use and do not require in-depth knowledge of biometrics. This allows for rapid implementation and cost reduction.
- Fraud reduction: Liveness Detection technology identifies fraud attempts on facial biometrics using algorithms that determine whether the person is alive or a reproduction.
By improving processes and ensuring efficient medication management, it is easier to conduct internal audits and investigations. Biometrics makes access records more reliable and allows for more accurate diagnosis of security breaches.
Learn how to reduce fraud with BioPass ID
BioPass ID provides biometric fraud prevention solutions. The Multibiometrics and ABIS packages are REST APIs that implement biometric authentication operations on any device with Internet access, without the need for technical knowledge. In addition, both packages provide the necessary infrastructure to implement and manage medical records, store data, and authenticate individuals.
Multibiometrics Package
Provides operations to create, enroll, update, and authenticate facial and fingerprint biometrics. In this package, biometric authentication is performed on a 1:1 basis. This means that in order for biometric verification to take place, it is necessary to inform the person being authenticated. In addition, the feature offers a facial fraud detection operation, Liveness Detection.
BioPass ID's Liveness Detection operation analyzes the person's facial biometric capture in two stages. First, the operation evaluates the quality of the biometric capture, and if it does not meet a minimum standard, it is rejected. Next, the operation analyzes the liveliness of the image and determines whether the capture is an attempt at fraud or not.
ABIS Package
Provides enrollment, authentication, and identification of individuals. In addition to 1:1 verification, the feature provides the possibility of 1:N verification. In this mode, the system receives a set of biometrics (face and fingerprint) and identifies the corresponding person in a database. To learn more about ABIS, please refer to the API documentation.
Safe Medication Management with BioPass ID
Here, we demonstrate that hospital medication management is essential to patient safety and healthcare efficiency. Implementing robust and reliable software optimizes medication administration, minimizes the risk of fraud and facilitates internal audits.
BioPass ID provides efficient, easy-to-use biometric tools to ensure the security of medication management. The technology promotes patient care and proper use of resources.