Understand what an API is, how it works, and where it runs in biometric applications.
As our security advances, hackers also evolve their strategies. Do you know how to protect yourself from them?
Biometrics, liveness and BioPass ID: how these technologies can boost your company and applications in the world of Biometrics as a Service.
As technology modernizes, new forms of access and payment are also created, and one of these possibilities is to pay with facial recognition.
Open Health consiste no compartilhamento seguro de dados na área da saúde. Conheça os benefícios desse conceito para instituições de saúde e pacientes.
Onboarding is increasingly present in our lives, and as such, it is important to invest in increasing your security with biometric qualification.
Multifactor authentication increases security in digital environments. Discover BioPass ID's multibiometrics for data protection.