The future of identification has already arrived and digital acceleration in this aspect is indisputable. Forget password, the future is passwordless!
Saiba como reduzir riscos de inadimplência na concessão de crédito, evitar prejuízos financeiros e otimizar processos operacionais por meio da biometria.
Learn about the main concepts and applications of cloud computing for education.
Fraud in civil service examinations can be prevented using biometrics, which brings more security and reliability to competitions. Find out more!
The biggest benefit of using biometrics in schools is increased security. But there are many other benefits. Find out more here.
Learn how to identify bank fraud and how biometrics can help secure your information.
A inteligência artificial na saúde ajuda a identificar padrões, tendências e insights. Saiba no artigo como a tecnologia reduz os custos do setor!