Understand what an API is, how it works, and where it runs in biometric applications.
Understand the match between biometrics, using the BioPass ID feature set and the Postman platform to make API requests.
Biometrics is an excellent security and validation tool, but you need to be aware of possible frauds. Read this text and learn more about it.
Check out the news about the universe of biometrics, which develop and is integrated more and more in the daily life of the population.
Fraudes na saúde causam prejuízos bilionários. Saiba como combatê-las com APIs biométricas.
Fraudsters create new financial scams every day. Discover how BioPass ID protects companies and customer data from malicious actions.
A Saúde 5.0 prioriza o paciente e o atendimento individual. Veja no artigo o que é, os benefícios e as tecnologias dessa abordagem.