The future of identification has already arrived and digital acceleration in this aspect is indisputable. Forget password, the future is passwordless!
A quick guide on how to use Postman, an API testing tool, to evaluate the quality of facial biometrics.
Check how multibiometrics APIs can improve digital protection and guarantee more secure and efficient identity authentication processes.
The liveness detection technology may be used in a passive and active method to identify the proof of life authenticity of an image. Learn what’s the difference between them.
Find out how proof of life is being used to help prevent fraud in the healthcare industry.
Fraudsters create new financial scams every day. Discover how BioPass ID protects companies and customer data from malicious actions.
Proteja a integridade dos concursos públicos com a biometria. Saiba como evitar fraudes de identidade, substituição de candidatos, entre outras.