How does facial biometrics help to keep your data safe?

One of the most impactful changes occurred in the pandemic, but which are still requested, is certainly work from home and distance education. In this context, facial biometrics contributed a lot to making this reality possible.

You want to know how? Follow the text.

With this change, the virtual world has received a flow of people never seen before and along that, our data also began to occupy this space more often, becoming a target for malicious agents who wanted to steal them.

Cases of cyberattacks in Brazil increased by 220% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period a year earlier, when home office had not yet established itself as an alternative for social distancing for most Brazilian workers. 

Even with the flexibility of the use of masks and the increases in immunization rates, which allows the return of face-to-face scenarios, work from home has already showed that it is here to stay. According to a Survey led by Microsoft, 58% of Brazilian workers want to migrate to remote or hybrid work in 2022. 

Therefore, there is a huge concern about the security of our personal data, as well as the confidential data of companies.

What is facial biometrics and how can it act in favor of our security?

It was thinking of strengthening the security of our data that access by facial biometrics was created. With this tool, which is more modern and secure, the data of an account can only be accessed by the individual who has the biometric characteristics recorded there, specific and unique to them.

Facial biometrics uses a technology that records each individual's characteristics, details that, combined, are not presented in any other person, such as:

  • Distance between the eyes.
  • Nose size.
  • Lip size.

As such, when creating an account, the individual takes a capture of their face in real time. When you want to access your account again, just take a new capture of your face — if the biometric data is compatible with the one already registered, it means that the account owner is the one who is performing this access, so it will be allowed.

Benefits of using facial biometrics


As stated, facial biometrics is a safer method than conventional passwords, since only the individual with the required biometric characteristics can access confidential data.

With biometrics, a malicious agent does not have the possibility to, for example, try to guess the access password. They won’t even be able to apply a scam by tricking their victim into passing them the access, since these biometric features are immutable.


Facial biometrics is a component belonging to your body, in other words, you do not need to memorize your facial biometrics, as you would need to memorize a password or go through the bureaucracy of trying to recover a forgotten password, nor do you need to carry it with you, as you would carry a card or a key.

The only requirement that will be needed to perform a biometric face validation is a device that can perform a capture of your face, such as a camera, which is present in the vast majority of smartphones and notebooks. The rest is done automatically by the biometric validation system.

Besides that, since it is an automatic process without any manual work, biometric validation is much faster than other conventional means of access.


Implementing a robust and secure biometric validation system can actually be done quickly and easily, with services ready to be integrated into your solution.

Get to know BioPass ID up close

BioPass ID is a cloud-based service that provides powerful Multibiometric and Artificial Intelligence technology for the development and operation of any service, software, or device.

It works through biometric operations that perform tasks such as fingerprint registration or comparison of biometrics of a face with one that has already been linked to an existing account, with a simple piece of code that can be added to the source code of your software.

It has APIs and SDKs that enable cross-platform integration into an existing system without much effort. 

Thus, one can see that a preventive measure, such as the addition of an extra layer of protection, can protect your company and its customers from catastrophic damages caused by leakage, theft, or hijack of data.

In addition, it can also make life easier for agents and users who need to access your system on a daily basis, efficiently and quickly, with a customized experience that adapts to the needs of your company.

As such, your data is better protected from malicious agents that target the security vulnerabilities in our accesses to steal our information and hack into our systems.

Learn for free the efficiency and practicality that only biometrics can offer. Download the BioPass ID demos and enjoy it.

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